Jim Banks – Abdul Kaddr Sinno
Sinno discusses the campaign of misinformation and suppression of free speech in Indiana.
Sinno discusses the campaign of misinformation and suppression of free speech in Indiana.
Pierce describes the damage that political influence has at Indiana University. The chilling effect of IU leadership’s actions against freedom […]
McDonald reviews his career background and the important moments that led to his path as a graduate student and professor. […]
McDonald describes the role he has played in bringing a intellectual diversity to Indiana University’s Campus. The only difficulty he […]
McDonnell discusses the cancellation of the Halabi Art Exhibition by IU administrators. He reviews a specific example of discussing free […]
Akou discusses the stigma she faces as a result of her religious practices.
Green talks about how his experience has changed his focus on his career. Particular focus on media disinformation and information […]
Issac describes the political pressure being put on Indiana University. Issac was publicly attacked on twitter for defending the autonomy […]
Seigal discusses the political motives behind the change in leadership at IU. The link between business, politics, and changing the […]