
Downstream Effect on K-12 – Russ Skiba
Skiba discusses the downstream effect that SEA 202 will have on kindergarten through 12th grade classrooms.

Expressive Activity Policy is Non-Sensical – Matt Pierce
Pierce discusses the lack of specifics included in the Expressive Activity Policy. Particularly when it comes to the limiting of […]

Aricle academic freedom – Hossein Banai-
Banai raises the various ways that SEA202 threatens tenure and open inquiry, while misrepresenting how faculty teach. Encouraged by his […]

University as a Service Provider – Micol Seigal
Seigal discusses the transition from educating minds to purchasing diplomas on campuses.

State Attorney Limiting Free Speech – Matt Pierce
Pierce discusses the limiting of free speech on IU’s campus. Peer-review, scientific publishing, and the tenure process are designed to […]

SEA 202 has a Chilling Effect – Michael Weinman
Weinman discusses the chilling effect that SEA 202 will have on his ability to teach particularly in the context of […]

Palestine Solidarity Committee – Bryce Green
Green discusses the founding of the Palestine Solidarity Committee on IU’s campus. He talks about the inspiration for organizing and […]

Hidden Agenda – Maria Bucur
Bucur discusses what she believes the end goal is for IU in Bloomington. She emphasizes the transfer of intellectual resources […]

IU board of trustees – Abdul Kaddr Sinno
Sinno discusses the politicization of the IU board of trustees. Highlighting the fabrication of narratives in American culture wars.